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GOD's New Thing
Part 1
GOD's 7 CCCInc. companies were incorporated Jan'98 to be
His legal entities for His new thing from 2000 to 2068,
all promised for spiritual Israel thru the OT prophets.
GOD is qualifying new shepherds Jer23:4 who submit to
His rule Is32:1 Jer23:5b Mat2:6 Lk1:33 at least in part at
Jn14 level, but fully at Jn15 level His few chosen, elect.
GOD's new shepherds must believe and teach His full truth,
His full gospel to participate in His final covenant work,
His Dan9:27 Jer31 Rev19:15, lest Lk19:27 Jn15:6 Rev21:8; 22:15.
GOD alone calls and ordains or anoints and seals then
He alone sustains thru obedient faith, networking
true participants into Is42:9; 43:19; 62:2; 65:15c Jer31:22; 33:14.
Note: Jer30 flows into Jer31, see Amsterdam 2000.
Note: GOD's New Thing fully began Nov17th 2002,
His personal Jubilee (Lev25; 27) 50 x 40 years after Lk2:7.
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Dear Cory,
April 25th '00
GOD's agenda, plan, will is revealed to His anointed: the ungodly-lukewarm Jn14
see and hear in part or darkly 2Cor4:3,4, and most fail to obey thru faith; but
the prophets of GOD Amos3:7 Jn15 fully participate Gen15:13 Num14:22-35 Jer25:11,12;
continuing today, He reveals His plan Jn16:25, Rev11:3,6 into 10:7, yet most disbelieve Him.
GOD, in Ezek37, qualifies a 3part church along with a 3phase work: V7,8 drawing the
refuse into confessors, mere form, outer way, as in Mat15:7-9; V10,11 filling some
with Jn20:22, power Acts1:8; 5:32, inner truth Jn14 1Jn2, as in Mat7:21-23; 19:17-26;
V12-14, 21-27 delivering few Job33 Acts14:22 Lk13:23,24 Jn5:24; 15, as in Mat24:13,22; 25:10.
GOD's 3phase work is ongoing from Acts2, growing spiritual Israel or His 3part
church, but from Jan 2000 His absolute truth is freely preached thru His dictated
Bible study material on the internet, along with greater Spirit power over 12yrs
to begin Mat24:14 thru Ezek5:4 Ob18a Heb1:7 Rom12:1 2Cor4:11-7:1; 12:15 into Rev11:7.
GOD is currently fulfilling Zephaniah, repeating Ex20 Deut5 in Spirit power, for 12 yrs;
a jealous GOD speaking to the whole earth thru His fire or setting the airwaves
on holy fire, in order to restore His holy, global kingdom; all part of Malachi 4.
GOD in Jer23:29 Zech2:5; 12:6 qualifies the "fire of His jealousy," again in
Is29-33 Joel2 Nahum Rev11:5.
GOD in love has brought you to see His truth, firmly implanted thru
21 months of initial chastising + preparation work to submit to His yoke, Jan 2002,
but you despised His call, refused to obey over 18 mths to July 2003, so His final
21 months to qualify you at Jn14 level completes 5 yrs of grace, Apr '05.
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Dear Keith,
April '00
GOD's global plan is beyond the mortal mind, yet He shares His vision
with mere man 1Cor2 * etc; calling many, but choosing few to co-work 2Cor6
His holy kingdom principles in perfect faith Jam2 and perfect love 1Jn4 2Jn.
GOD's global plan is networking 1Jn3:6,9,24 saints, copying Christ into Rev14:12
in order to qualify for Rev17:14; His 3rd part Zech13:9 Mat5:48 Jn17:20-24 Rom8; 14:17,
living fully sanctified 1Jn1:7 for soul salvation 1Pet1:9 2Thes2:13 Mat16:26 => 24:13.
GOD's global plan is copying Moses, David, Paul ministries to rule His true churches
Is32:1 Dan2:40-45 Mat2:6 so that His Rom6 servants obey His agenda, His voice,
His will to qualify for 1Cor15:49-58 for true Jews Rom2:29; 9-11 Rev2:9,27 His subjects.
GOD's global plan is using air-based technology to copy Acts2-7 teaching to fight,
overcome, win all 2Cor10:3-5 Eph6:10-18 1Jn5:4,18 Rev12:11, especially thru Is14:29b
Rev8:10,11 from 2012, a huge global purging period for 12 yrs, to fulfill Mat24:14 Rev10:7.

Heb5:14..But strong meat belongs to them that are perfect, those who
by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
Rev17:15 qualifies the evil church hating the true called as they "die,"
their Job33 Ps18:16 Rom6 separation "from the water" into Him.
GOD had me challenge Calvin, an Apostolic member, concerning his deep
seated hate, but Calvin rejected GOD's truth and assaulted me twice, even
threatening "to wipe the street with my blood," but I obey Mat5:44,48.
GOD intends to build space portals for His global evangelism, rule, teaching.
[GOD's hard work]
[Bishop Brazier]
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GOD's hard work
GOD's latter days covenant
GOD, from May '88, is fulfilling Jer23; 30; 31, an increasing fury 23:19,20; 30:23,24, as
He establishes, frees, separates His true people 2Chr7:14 Zech13:9 Mat1:21 2Cor6.
GOD's true people is Zion Jer30:17; 31:6,12 Heb12:22,23, His remnant Jer23:3; 31:7
of saved souls Jer31:9-14, 25 thru tribulations Job33 Acts14:22 1Pet1:9; 3:21; 4:1; 5:10.
GOD's "new thing" Jer31:22 is His literal rule Jer23:5b; 30:9; 33:14-18 in justice and holiness,
or His kingdom rule Is9:7; 32:1 Rom14:17 Dan2:40; 7:7,14,18-27 Rev2:27; 11.. so Lk19:11-27.
GOD rules in holy, pure subjects (never sinners), who truly know Him Jer31:34
Jn10; 14 Rom6; 8 thru obeying 1Jn2:3; 3:6,24; 5, disobeying Him is sin to death.
GOD's true people are spiritual Jews who serve the King (not sinning Gentiles),
so often called Israel, Jacob, Jerusalem, Judah, etc, as in Rom11:26,27, etc.
GOD's true Jews adhere to His law, by faith, to retain Rom7:22-8:13 Gal5:14-18
to fulfill Jer31:33 thru to Rev3:8-12, ever obeying to eternal, full salvation 3:13.
GOD's true Jews enjoy His covenant "for one week" Dan9:27a Rev11:3, a period to
complete Amos9 Mic4+5 Zech etc., all His holy plan thru CCCInc. 7 companies.

Habak2:2.."Write the vision and make plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.
3 For the vision yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry."

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GOD's Flesh and Spiritual Israel

    In Jerusalem's New Imperial Hotel in 1966, Bishop Homer A. Tomlinson of the Church of God (World Headquarters) crowned himself King of the World.
    A genial American evangelical and occasional presidential candidate on the Theocratic Party ticket, Tomlinson had already set foot in as many nations as possible, claiming them for God's kingdom. Evelyn Waugh happened on the scene in Dar-es-Salaam when the "purposeful and recollected" Tomlinson placed a "light and inexpensive crown" on his head and announced his rule as God's agent over Tanzania.
    Tomlinson's calculations, based on the prophecies of Daniel and Biblical commentaries, convinced him that in 1966 the Kingdom of God would come on Earth and the throne of David would be restored. The New Yorker even tracked Tomlinson's road to Jerusalem.
    Well, the Kingdom of God did not arrive in 1966. But its arrival is still on many minds. While most evangelicals know nothing of Tomlinson's antics, most share his deepest conviction: that the nation of Israel and the "end times" are inseparably linked. Indeed, they believe that the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 set the stage for the return of Christ. This is one reason evangelicals have been such strong supporters of Israel throughout its history, including today.

CCCInc Note:
GOD's spiritual kingdom truly began
in Acts2 for a few who completed
Mat11:12 Lk13:24 Job33 Acts14:22
2Pet1:10 into 11 thru GOD's baptism
Mat3:11 Lk3:16; 12:50; 22:42 of fire,
not tap water, hence Acts10:35,43; 26:20
Rom6 Eph4:5 1Pet3:21; 4:1.
GOD's spiritual kingdom reign-rule
(parousia) began in Is2; 4; 9-12; 32:1 (1948)
Jer23:5b Mat2:6 Lk1:33 then began Amos9
Acts15:16 in 1988, so He continues
Heb8:2 Rev3:7-13.
GOD's spiritual parousia is plain
to true believers who seek Him
in spirit and truth,
His kingdom rule of Is9:6,7 is Now,
in the power and glory of the Father
Mat16:27; 19:23,24 Lk21:27 not flesh.
GOD's spiritual work from 1988 is growing
Eph4:15 His true body, to fulfill His word
Eph5:1,26,27 1Jn2:6; 3:6,9,24 from Ex20:20
2Chron7:14 Ps15:1,2; 24:3,4; 66:8-12
into Ps91; 149 true eternal life Jn5:24; 17:3,
His holy gift thru His baptism Acts2:38
Rom6:23 Col2:11-14 for a few
living as Abraham Rom4:12-16,
Paul 2Cor4:11-7:1, Christ 1Jn2:6.

    One source of an end-times scenario is the best-selling Scofield Reference Bible (1909). There we can read how Christ's Second Coming and the founding of a new Heaven and new Earth will follow the arrival of the Anti-Christ, the tribulation and the conversion of the Jewish nation. The battles of Armageddon will take place in Israel, it is believed, and the triumphant return of Christ will end them, establishing Jerusalem as the capital of his earthly kingdom.
    For evangelicals, marking events in Israel is a way of noting progress on their own end-times calendar. It reminds them of the need to evangelize the lost as well as of the importance of their own readiness for Christ's return. Some also eagerly await the conversion to Christianity of the Jews, taking literally (as the Scofield Bible teaches) the words of St. Paul's Letter to the Romans: "All Israel shall be saved." This hope has long animated evangelical missions to the Jews.

CCCInc Note:
Rom11:26.."all Israel will be saved" refers to:
Jer23:6 33:14-16 + many others in the OT
Jn4:22 "of the Jews" (belonging to)
Rev2:9; 3:9 
from Deut10:16; 30:6 Jer4:4
into Rom2:28,29 Col2:11,12
Rom4:12-16 Abraham's holy seed (1Jn3:6)
Gal4:22-31, so the free Rom6:18,22
are his true seed.
Consequently spiritual Israel refers to
the few chosen, elect of GOD; the holy,
perfect in Christ; those delivered
from sin; truly saved from sin;
GOD's 3rd part Zech13:9; the righteous Ps1:5
1Pet4:18; having entered His rest Heb3:6-4:11,
His holiest Heb9:3; 10:19-22; 12:22,23;
looking to Rom8:23-25 (Mk13:13) Rev20:6.

    The evangelical interest in Israel reaches much further back than 1948. Jonathan Edwards, grandson of the Puritans and promoter of the Great Awakening, proclaimed in the 18th century his expectation that the Jews would return to the land of Israel. For Edwards, this certainty was rooted in the character of God, who had promised it. And so generations of American evangelicals have embraced the view that the God who is faithful to his promises will someday restore Israel incontrovertibly to the Jews.
    This historical fascination with Israel does not mean that evangelicals everywhere endorse whatever Israel does. Though they may point to biblical passages that seem to them to explain the conflict, they do not neglect the biblical injunction to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. And clearly the most strident factions of the Christian Right do not speak for all evangelicals.
    But a substantial group does give Israel a unique place in history's prophetic unfolding.

Popular evangelicalism assigns the Jews at least "favored nation" status, even if it does not envision their full conversion. And the belief that the state of Israel plays a determinative role in the end-times calendar encourages the devout to pay attention to day-to-day events there that hold significance for their own salvation and the ushering in of the kingdom of God.

CCCInc Note:
GOD's end-time agenda or parousia is clear, living,
real, seen by true believers listening to His voice
Jn14; 16:13 about "things to come,"
1Cor2 1Jn2:20-27 Rev10:7; 11:3,6
as He repeats Rom9-11 to establish true leaders
1Cor12:28 Eph3:7; 4:11
to be His earthly government
over the true church, His 7 candlesticks.
GOD's parousia is 100% hidden to the blind,
deaf confessors and most lukewarm-anointed
2Cor4:3,4 2Thes2:9-12 2Pet2
including most evangelical Christians today,
refusing to believe the basic gospel of Christ
and rejecting the consequences of sin;
believing and teaching a dead faith (Rom4 Jam2)
leading millions to death.
GOD's parousia has established a true,
full gospel teaching across the globe
enabling all to learn His full truth
during the final church period Joel2 Malachi4
using His dictated Bible study material
to qualify His 3part church.

    This interest easily takes political form, but its driving force is spiritual and its implications are practical. What happens to Israelis and Palestinians is for some evangelicals primarily about God and God's covenant with man. Events in Israel perennially suggest to them that "the day" is at hand, summoning all humankind to conversion.

[GOD demands we love the Hebrews]
The above is excerpted from "The Power of Prophecy" - By Edith Blumhofer
The Wall Street Journal - Friday, May 10, 2002
[see Wheaton College]
a New Look at family teaching
GOD rules
Jan '97   

GOD's full, bitter truth has been shared to thousands for ten yrs, yet none believe, obey, teach, Gen-Rev e.g. Ex20 Lev23 or 2Ch7:14 Zech13:9 Mat1:21 2Cor6 to be His or Jn5:14; 8:11 Rom2:13; 6:16 to abide 1Jn2:6; 3:6 so very few truly abide in Christ, yet 2 billion merely confess Him as do Mat8:29 Jam2:19 Jn8:44 1Jn3:8a.
GOD foretold satan's rule Acts20:27-30 2Pet2 1Jn2:18,19, seen now by true believers obeying His voice e.g. Mat5:48; 6:33; 19:17; 22:37-40, to prove we love Him Jn10:17; 15:10 1Jn3:24 Rev14:12; 20:4,6, also seeing His hand in Jer23 Acts15:16 NOW, proving Is11:11,12 Lk1:33 will repeat Acts2:42-47; 5:42, but globally.
GOD promised to effect Spirit rule, 100% contrary to man's 1900yr rule, copying Paul's example Acts20, as chief 2Cor11:5; 12:11 1Cor4; 11:1-3a even over Peter Gal2:11 1Tim1:16 2Pet3:15,16, so His true spiritual, holy, sin-free body Eph1:4-14 2:6; 5:27 Heb12:22,23 or Rom6:3-8,22; 8:14,29, apostle of GOD, Rev2:27 fulfilling Dan2:40-45; 7:7 Rev17:9.
GOD's promised grace Is65; 66 Mic4; 5 etc. demands an equal measure of obedience into right Rom2:13; 6:16 as His full grace demands a walk Rom4:12-16; 5:2; 5:21 or blind obedience to His voice, from 1Pet1:22,23 thru 1:7-16 into Job33:24 1Pet2:3,5,9 2Pet1:4,11 1Jn3:6,9 then truly His, if endure forever, hoping for Rom8:23-25 1Pet1:3-5; 4 Heb3:1,6,14.
GOD promised a Ruler for His true people Mat2:6 Lk1:33, qualifying 100s O.T. references for His 3part church but most believers are bound, lost, sinful, rejecting His grace, love, power for soul salvation, so join Esau's fate, Obadiah Zech13:8 Ps1:5 1Pet4:18, as sin is darkness and death, outside Christ, few truly abide 1Jn, most Heb12:15-17.
GOD promised a personal love, agape or affection, towards His true people Jn15:10, as Jacob Rom9:13, but few join Jacob's joy Rom11:26,27 1Jn3:5,6 Jn15:11, most only experience His moral love Jn3:16 ever in sin, so His enemies Mat15:26 Rom5:8,10 1Cor15:25; 16:22 Col1:21 Heb10:13, outside Christ Jn15:6 2Thes1:8,9 as He hates sin Heb1:9 1Jn3:4,8a,10.
GOD promised a fire purging to set right or justify His true people Lk3:16; 12:49 1Pet1:7 Rev3:18 qualifying Is48 Mal3 1Pet2:5,9 1Jn1:6, so very few Col1:11-13, worthy 1Cor10:15-21; 11:23-31 2Cor4:11-7:1 Lk20:35,36 and few truly believe Jn5:24; 6:47-63 "as Christ" or "in Christ" 1Jn2:6, most so-called believers outside Christ Jn3:18-21.
GOD's full, heavenly promises are experienced by His true people 2Ch7:14 Rom8:15-17; 14:17 Eph1:4-14; 2; 3:17b-19; 5:27 as fallen man is of satan Jn8:40-44 1Jn3:8a,10, totally rejecting Jn4:22c; 19:19-22 Lk19:14, very few see Job33:24-30 1Pet1:9; 2:24,25 most outside Christ 2Cor4:3,4 Eph2:12; 5:3-6, in Adam 1Cor15:22, so Lk19:27 Rev2:9; 3:9; 18; 20:7-15 2Pet2:17 Jude7-13.

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Sep '95
GOD demands we obey
GOD, in Gen-Rev, demands we obey His voice; most believers ignore, happy in sin,
forever lost, bound.
GOD, in N.T., clearly says obey just to be born again, Jn14 1Pet1:22,23 1Jn2:3,27,
yet still bound, apart from Christ, dead.
GOD, in Gen-Rev, clearly says obey as Abraham, Christ, to qualify to be
His children Jn15 1Jn2:6; 3-5, Spirit led to live in Him.
GOD commanded Paul to Jerusalem Acts18:21; again 20:16,22,23, despite suffering
Paul insists 20:24, to obey His voice.
GOD tested Paul Acts21:4,11,12 but Paul obeyed 21:13,14 by working faith
Phil2:12; 3, so justified Gal3; 5:6,18.
GOD, in '83, commanded(3 times) I trust Him; knowing in my spirit I had to obey
to see eternal life Mat19:17 Heb5:9.
GOD, in '83-'85 tested my faith thru church and family rejection, abuse,
beatings, frostbite, prisons, knowing His grace, love, power sustains me.
GOD, from '88, is changing the world,
 enabling Acts15:16 thru true repentance
or ceasing all sin.
GOD allowed Yugoslavia and Rwanda as microcosms of current church failure
to obey and teach all His word.
GOD in flesh, Christ, "learned obedience, became perfect" Heb2:10; 5:8,9
to be the perfect Lamb of GOD.
GOD demands we copy Christ Mat5:48 Jn17 Col1:28; 4:12 Jm1:4 1Pet5:10
into His death Rom6 to abide.
GOD afflicts His anointed to correct, prove, purge, try, unite, thru Job Acts14:22
but most fail His grace, love, power.
GOD afflicts, chastens, refines, renews, transforms us into
1Cor1:30; 2; 6:11,19,20; 12:13-27 into 2Cor3:18.
GOD afflicts to qualify, teach us overcoming, partaking, patience,
rejoicing for Him and His glory only.
 Robert Bristow
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Christian Community Churches Inc.
Sep '95
GOD clearly says belief grows from simple facts about Him, to believing into Him,
to qualified believing in Him only. (the Greek proves His truth)
GOD clearly says belief grows in Mk9:23,24 "I believe, help my unbelief"
when Jesus says "believe, all things...possible."
GOD clearly says belief grows in Lk8:10-15: v.12 initial or facts;
v.13 part or into Him; v.14 part; v.15 full or abide in Him.
GOD clearly says belief grows thru satan's attacks; obedience to His word;
as Job, proves few truly believe.
GOD clearly says belief grows thru trials, is proved, is qualified
but satan teaches a simple belief secures soul salvation.
GOD clearly says belief grows in Heb10:39 "believe to soul salvation"
confirmed in Heb11:6 Jm2:19 1Pet1:9 so 100% contrary to satan.
GOD clearly says belief grows in Rom10 "believe in your heart..into righteousness"
but satan teaches mere mouth righteousness.
GOD clearly says belief grows in Rom10 as man's wicked heart must be purified
Jer Acts to satisfy His conditions for righteousness.
GOD clearly says belief grows in Rom10 as our evil heart can never believe
His pure, holy word, it must be Rom2:29 Col2:11.
GOD clearly says belief grows in Jn3:16; 6:40; 20:31 "may have life"
yet to Eph4:15 1Jn2:28 for true life is only in Him.
GOD clearly says belief grows in Jn6:27-29 "work to believe.. into life"
proved in "eat, drink to live" 6:51-58, many refuse 6:66.
GOD clearly says belief grows in Acts2: v.37 "heart pricked;" v.38 must repent;
v.42-47 loving sacrifice rarely seen today.
 Robert Bristow
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Christian Community Churches Inc.
Sep '95
GOD clearly says faith grows from mouthing facts to anointed works
to overcoming work as Christ Jn19.
GOD clearly says initial faith grows to partial faith when Jn14:21 Acts1:8
1Cor12:7 Eph3:17a beginning to really hear Him Rom10:17.
GOD clearly says partial faith grows thru work to full faith
Acts6:5,8; 14:22; 15:9; 26:18 Rom3:25 1Jn1:7; 3:7 Col2:12 Jm2:17,22.
GOD clearly says full faith is overcoming faith Acts7:55-60 Rom1:17; 5:1
as 4:12-16 is His faith standard to qualify Rom9:26-10:13.
GOD's clear hard word proves "simple faith alone" is satan's teaching
as soul salvation is to proven, tested 1Pet1:7,9 ONLY.
GOD clearly says faith work in Phil2:12,17 proven in Heb6:1; 10:22-24,38; 11
Jm1:3,4,12 not dead work but obedient faith work.
GOD clearly says "works do not save" Eph2 Tit3, refers to His grace
not our merit, but faith is our only access Rom5:2.
GOD clearly says faith work in Jn8:39 when rebuking faithless Jn8:44; 20:27,29
for rejecting His truth and work, so lost!
GOD clearly says faith work in Jn14:10-13; 15:7-16 truly His work in
and thru believing, obedient to glorify Him so Rev2:27.
GOD clearly says "faith working by love" Gal5:6 to qualify justification,
righteousness 5:4,5(Rom3:30) in Christ(Rom3:26).
GOD clearly says faith work in " faith" Rom2:13 Gal3 Jm1:22; 2
but satan teaches dead, empty, lost faith.
 Robert Bristow
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[see Elders: Sep '95 4 of 4]
family teaching #6: love
Part 3

Jn21..Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?" He said to Him, "Yes, LORD; You know that I love You." He said to Him, "Feed My lambs."
16 He said to him again a second time, "Simon, of Jonah, do you love Me?" He said to Him, "Yes, LORD; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Tend My sheep."
17 He said to him the third time, "Simon, of Jonah, do you love Me?" Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, "Do you love Me?" And he said to Him, "LORD, You know all things; You know that I love You." Jesus said to him, "Feed My sheep."

GOD in Jn21 is clear, He challenged Peter to prove his love, by "feeding His sheep," meaning,
teaching "all things" Mat28:20, which is rare in the current church Acts20:29,30.
GOD's full, hard gospel is rarely taught because very few love Him 1st and deeply
enough to risk offending the vast sinful church, witness Hybels Jn12:43 Jam4:4.
GOD's full, hard gospel is shared by His chosen, copying Christ in death Jn10:17; 15:10,
proving they love Him, even to death Rev6:9-11; 11:3-7, in constant joy and praise.
GOD in Ezek33 warns us to share all things, as Paul in Acts20:17-35 Eph4:15 Col1:28,29.

Jn14..15 If you love Me, keep My commandments.
16 "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever -
17 "The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.
18 "I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.

GOD promised: a helper,
to know + to see Him,
to live, to be loved,
to be His dwelling place...
all based on v.15.

19 "A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also."
21 "He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him."
23 Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him."


Jn15..8 "By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.
9 "As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.
10 "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.

GOD's hard truth is rarely believed and taught in the current church, rather,
it teaches against an intimate, one-on-one, personal love relationship in Him.
GOD is Spirit, so He seeks our spiritual relationship Jn4, only possible thru obeying,
yet the current church fails to teach the conditions and degrees seen in the Greek.
GOD's initial love to us is moral, but as we obey some begin a partial knowing
1Jn2:3,24,27, then He elects a few to deeper, fuller knowing 1Jn3:6; 5:20, if we 1Jn3:24.
GOD tests our desire, effort, willingness to love Him from the heart Mat22 Jam1:12.
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[knowing Him]
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GOD and Saviour Is9:6 clearly promised His hand would save Israel,
deliver Jerusalem, redeem Jacob + Judah, all referring to us today
Is40-45 His 3rd part or holy saints-servants, living as Him.
GOD's true people have fulfilled His standards thru His pre-eminent
prayer Mat6 into 1:21; 3:11; 11:12; 19:17-26, Rom8 Eph2 1Jn2:6; 3:6,9; 5:4,
proving their obedient faith to remain-retain 1Jn3:24 status, lest they 3:8,10.
GOD's true people continue living-sharing Mat22 to fully manifest His plan
Is9:7; 32:1 thru chosen vessels 2Tim2:21-26, His initial golden cup Jer51:7
Mic4:10 1Pet5:13, as He copies the likes of Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah today.
"Lord of the Harvest, the time has come for You to bare Your holy arm in the
sight of all the nations, for Your holy name's sake. Please bring workers
into the Harvest field that all whom You have appointed to eternal life
might be saved by faith in Your Son Jesus, through working their faith as
volunteers in Your global, soul-saving structure, CCCInc."
"Lord, please consecrate my life into total sacrifice + service
to You; consecrate my obedient faith to Your voice, consecrate my
diligence, family + interpersonal relationships, stewardship, time, work
to fulfill my calling, to meet Your demands-standards for Your agenda."
"Lord, please give me Your heart for all creation, to share + witness all
Your grace, love, power that others may come to believe the full
gospel of love + truth and experience living as Christ into forever.  Amen."
GOD Himself says "..give Him no rest till He establishes and till
He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth." Is62:7 as in Is2:2-4
Zeph3:19..I will appoint them for praise and fame
in every land where they were put to shame.
20..I will give you fame and praise among
all the peoples of the earth,
Hag2:7..I will shake all nations, and they
shall come to the Desire of All Nations.
[GOD's Power]
[see complete Participants file]

Lk16:16..The law and the prophets (were) until John. Since that time the kingdom of GOD has been preached, and everyone is pressing into it.
 17 And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one tittle of the law to fail.

1Tim1:5..  Now  the   purpose  of the commandment is love from a pure heart, a good conscience, and sincere faith,
 6 From which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk,
 7 Desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm.
 8 But we know that the law (is) good if one uses it lawfully,
 9 Knowing this:  that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for lawless and insubordinate, for ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,
 10 For fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine.
 11 According to the glorious gospel of the blessed GOD which was committed to my trust.   (Rom3:31; 7:12,22 Gal3:24)
6:13..I urge you in the sight of GOD...
 14 That you keep (the) commandment without spot, blameless until our LORD Jesus Christ's appearing.

Rom14:17..For the kingdom of GOD is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.  (either 1Cor6:9,10 or Gal5)  

GOD's full, glorious gospel is denied,
ignored, rejected by the Judas church;
100% disbelieving His word thru Paul,
James and John, so cursed forever Mk8:38.
GOD's full word demands obedient faith to
grow into just-right Rom1:5; 2:13 6:16; 16:26
100% contrary to Moody, etc, Mat12:31 Gal1:8,9.

John3:16.. "For GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes into Him may not perish but may have everlasting life.
17 "For GOD did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
18 "He who believes into Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of GOD.
19 "And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 "For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
21 "But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in GOD."


John3:36.. "He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not OBEY the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of GOD abides on him."

GOD's pure, true word demands "doers," as
in Jn8:39 "works," Rom2:13; 6:16; 8:4, etc,
all proving Mat19:17 Phil2:12 Heb5:9, yet
current teachers deny His holy, pure word.

Jer23..."Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!" says the LORD.
2 Therefore thus says the LORD GOD of Israel against the shepherds who feed My people: "You have scattered My flock, driven them away, and not attended to them. Behold, I will attend to you for the evil of your doings," says the LORD.
3 "But I will gather the remnant of My flock out of all countries where I have driven them, and bring them back to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase.
4 "I will set up shepherds over them who will feed them; and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, nor shall they be lacking," says the LORD.


Jn10:9.. "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
10 "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have more abundantly. (Ps66:8-12)
11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.
12 "But a hireling, not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them.
13 "The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep."


Phil2:2.. Fulfill my joy by being likeminded, having the same love, of one accord, of one mind.
3 nothing through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.
4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,
20 For I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state.
21 For all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus.


Ps110:3.. Your people (are) volunteers in the day of Your power; in the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning, You  have the dew of Your youth.

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GOD's New Thing
Part 2
GOD's new thing effects a true change in the heart
and in the spirit, thru true washing + repentance,
rarely seen as few grow to loathe their past.
GOD's new thing networks qualified ministries globally
to share-teach the absolute full gospel of Christ,
the full truth of obedient faith into soul salvation.
GOD's new thing is Christ working thru His elect, chosen,
holy Zion, rather than mere anointed-lukewarm,
that His name is glorified, as sin never glorifies Him.
GOD's new thing draws many to soul salvation in Zion,
in Babylon, His dwelling place for healing-prosperity,
for teaching into transformation, sanctification, unity.
Note:   Ps128:5;  132:13-15;  134   Obad17   Rom11:26
Is31:9; 33; 34:8; 35:10; 46:13; 51; 52:1-12; 59:20
[GOD's chalice, His holy cup]
[His devouring fire]
[GOD is qualifying: Harold Eatmon, Bob Larson, Andrew Strom Jam1:3,12]
[Concepts Directory]
GOD's New Thing
Ps102:13..have mercy on Zion; for the time to favor her,
yes, the set time, has come.

Ezek36..8 "But you, O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to My people Israel, for they are about to come."
21 "But I had concern for My holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations wherever they went.
22 "Therefore say to the house of Israel, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: "I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for My holy name’s sake, which you have profaned among the nations wherever you went.
23 "And I will sanctify My great name, which has been profaned among the nations, which you have profaned in their midst; and the nations shall know that I am the Lord," says the Lord GOD, "when I am hallowed in you before their eyes.
24 "For I will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries, and bring you into your own land.
25 "Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols.

Ezek36..26 "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
27 "I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.
28 "Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; you shall be My people, and I will be your GOD.
29 "I will deliver you from all your uncleannesses. I will call for the grain and multiply it, and bring no famine upon you.
30 "And I will multiply the fruit of your trees and the increase of your fields, so that you need never again bear the reproach of famine among the nations.
31 "Then you will remember your evil ways and your deeds that were not good; and you will loathe yourselves in your own sight, for your iniquities and your abominations.
32 "Not for your sake do I do this," says the Lord GOD, "let it be known to you. Be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel!"


Dan2..44 "And in the days of these kings the GOD of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.

Rev19..15 Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty GOD.


Joel2..1 Blow the trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the Lord is coming, for it is at hand.

Heb12..22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living GOD, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels.


Joel2..18 Then the Lord will be zealous for His land, and pity His people.
19 The Lord will answer and say to His people, "Behold, I will send you grain and new wine and oil, and you will be satisfied by them; I will no longer make you a reproach among the nations.
32 And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord, shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance, as the Lord has said, among the remnant whom the Lord calls.

Joel3..16 The Lord also will roar from Zion, and utter His voice from Jerusalem; the heavens and earth will shake; but the Lord will be a shelter for His people, and the strength of the children of Israel.
17 "So you shall know that I am the Lord your GOD, dwelling in Zion My holy mountain. Then Jerusalem shall be holy, and no aliens shall ever pass through her again."
18 And it will come to pass in that day that the mountains shall drip with new wine, the hills shall flow with milk, and all the brooks of Judah shall be flooded with water; a fountain shall flow from the house of the Lord and water the Valley of Acacias.


Jer51..7 Babylon a golden cup in the Lord’s hand

Mic4..10 Be in pain, and labor to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in birth pangs. For now you shall go forth from the city, you shall dwell in the field, and to Babylon you shall go. There you shall be delivered; there the Lord will redeem you from the hand of your enemies.
13 "Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion; for I will make your horn iron, and I will make your hooves bronze; you shall beat in pieces many peoples; I will consecrate their gain to the Lord, and their substance to the Lord of the whole earth."


Ez47..1 Then he brought me back to the door of the temple; and there was water, flowing from under the threshold of the temple toward the east, for the front of the temple faced east; the water was flowing from under the right side of the temple, south of the altar.
12 "Along the bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees used for food; their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail. They will bear fruit every month, because their water flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine."

Rev22..1 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of GOD and of the Lamb.
2 In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

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Peter Wagner Ministries
Colorado Springs, CO
Dec '98
GOD planted many ministries in the Colorado area to participate in His global plan,
the extent of which is yet to be revealed Rev10:7; 11:3,6 to/thru 1Cor2:6,16 level.
GOD's facility you call "the prayer center" has a part in His plan; much greater
than you could possibly dream, as you are yet to grow from lukewarm to hot.
GOD reveals His intimate, pure thoughts/word to very few at the pure level 1Jn3:3,
living at the "more than overcomer" Rom8:37 level, or hotter than hot, as Moses.
GOD has revealed a piece of His plan for His facility to LFM, but clear, precise details
will be transmitted thru His new FG Int'l team of volunteers, qualified by CCCInc. tests.
GOD insists His facility be self sustaining thru NFP support business-ministries,
ensuring His holy kingdom principles eliminate current stealing and begging 2Thes3.
GOD will use you in His plan
if you humble yourself to be rid of the great sin of pride,
as you well know these scriptures, but so far have resisted His lead to copy Christ Phil2.
GOD will use you in His plan
if you truly submit your will to obey His will Lk12:50; 22:42,
so copying Christ thru true baptism, which you have so far rejected due to disbelief.
Robert Bristow
P.S. GOD's grace continues for a period; follow Him, rather than Wimber Acts5:11 Rom1:18,
to enter His true hagios nature now.
cc Larry Florek Ministries, Colorado Springs
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personal Bible study, three
Become the new wine in Him.
Is65:8  Hos14:7 (Ps91:1)  Joel3:18  Zech9:17  Mat9:17.
see three stages in Jn2...      2:6 believers for purifying Phil2:11.
2:7 believers filled Acts9:17  1Pet1:22.
2:9 spiritual rebirth Jn3:5,6  Rom6:5  1Jn5:11.
also refer to Mk4:28  Jn14:6a  Rev16:19.
thru spiritual baptism Job33 Acts14:
to abide in Him 1Jn2:6; 3:6,7,9.
1) what two verses in Zech13 qualify three stages?
2) what single verse in Ps1 qualifies three stages?
3) what single verse in 1Pet4 qualifies three stages?
Mat1:11 Jeconiah   2Kings24:6-16 1Chron3:15,16 Jer21:8-14; 22:24-30; 29:1,2
Lk21:16-21ab,24b,28,36  Rev11:2b-10,13; 13:5-10; 14:12,13
16:15,19a,20; 18:23a,b,24a, 19:1-9; 20:4,6; 21:2,10; 22:1-5,14,19.
4) what four verses in Jn10 qualify Jeconiah’s descendants?
5) what five verses in Jn16 qualify Jeconiah’s descendants?
GOD saves souls after His fire purging and testing

Job33..22 Yes, his soul draws near the pit, and his life to the executioners.
23 If there is a messenger for him, a mediator, one among a thousand, to show man His uprightness,
24 Then He is gracious to him, and says, 'Deliver him from going down to the pit; I have found a ransom;'
25 His flesh shall be young like a child's, He shall return to the days of his youth.
26 He shall pray to GOD, and He will delight in him, he shall see His face with joy, for He restores to man His righteousness.
27 Then he looks at men and says, 'I have sinned, and perverted right, and it did not profit me.'
28 He will redeem his soul from going down to the pit, and his life shall see the light.
29 Behold, GOD works all these twice, thrice with a man,
30 To bring back his soul from the pit, that he may be enlightened with the light of life.

Ps66..8 Oh, bless our GOD, you peoples! And make the voice of His praise to be heard,
9 Who keeps our soul among the living, and does not allow our feet to be moved.
10 For You, O GOD, have tested us; You have refined us as silver refined.
11 You brought us into the net; You laid affliction on our backs.
12 You have caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water, but You brought us out to abundance.

Ez18..4 "Behold, all souls are Mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine; the soul who sins shall die."
20 "The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself."

Mat10..28 "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
Mat16..24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.
25 "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
26 "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?"

Acts14..22 Re-establishing the souls of the disciples, exhorting to continue in the faith, and we must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of GOD.
Heb10..39 But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.
1Pet1..9 Receiving the end of your faith - the salvation of souls.

Rev6..9 When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of GOD and for the testimony which they held.
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, "How long, O LORD," holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?"
11 Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they, was completed.

Rev20..4 And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them, the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of GOD, who had not worshipped the beast or his image, and had not received mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ.

[see Joni Tada: 1] [ 2 ]
[see GOD's hard call]
GOD alone purges and refines a few faithful souls, but most souls ever in sin,
so are destroyed in hell Ez18:4,20 Mat10:28, a truth rarely taught
by the current Judas church, witness Graham teaching "the soul is immortal."
GOD alone redeems lost, fallen souls, never thru mere confession, but
thru trials and tribulations to test our faith and love, as we obey His truth,
His voice, witness Abraham, Job, etc. His standards.
GOD in flesh, Jesus, was made as hagios (not as sinners), yet also
had to spiritually grow to subdue His flesh to become the
fullness of His being thru 3x7 yrs Lk2:42; 3:23; 12:50; 22:42.
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GOD's Zion
Is2; 9-12 Joel2:28-32 Hab2:2,3 Mal4 Rev11:3,6
GOD's true tabernacle or His holiest place is the true destination for
those referred to in Lisa Cooke's vision from our Warrior King,
or our Almighty GOD who has shown Lisa His Zech13:9 work.
GOD's true prophets 1Cor12:28 Eph4:11(3:7) or His 3rd part have won,
or overcome satan, living 1Jn2:6; 3:6,9,24; 5 Rev2 + 3 to enter
into His holy kingdom Job33 Acts14:22 2Pet1:4,11 Heb3:6-4:11.
GOD's true resting place is for His few chosen-elect, never those outside,
His hagios who are Col2:9-14; 3:12 Heb8:2; 9:3; 10:19-22; 12:22,23 or
His spiritual Zion Is4, literally Zech3 + 4 His 7 candlesticks CCCInc.
GOD is yet to reveal-teach Lisa the truth of His holy body, so
Lisa still equates every believer with His holy saints, yet
His family or 3part church must grow into His fullness Eph4:15,
since Christ's body is holy, fully sanctified 1Thes5:23 1Jn3:5.
Ps125..Those who trust in the LORD (are) like Mount Zion,
cannot be moved, abiding forever. (see inexorable)

[see complete file]
[Concepts Directory]
[GOD's work thru Zion: 1] [ 2 ]
[chosen-elect] [hagios]
[GOD's message to Lisa: 1] [ 2 ]

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GOD's New Thing
Part 3
Dear Guys,
Aug 2002
GOD has taken Cory thru a mini time-line covering myself and
how it affects His work in and thru CCCInc, all His hard work.
GOD showed Cory the following concerning me:
'83 + 14yrs = '97; then personally qualified to be an elder
to incorporate CCCInc. and fully qualified as His scribe to
challenge, edify, exhort others to believe + teach Eph4:15 1Jn.
21st Mar '84 + His perfect judgement of 3x6yrs 3x6wks 3x6days
(or 3x666 as a type of His judgement from A.D. 36 to 2034) plus
3 days to Elul 6 (Aug14th) for His 3rd purging period, Aug-Nov 2002.
GOD showed Cory the following concerning others:
15th May '88 (or His parousia 2nd part) + 2x7yrs plus 3mths = Elul 6.
Elul 6 in '93 + 3x3yrs = Elul 6 2002, from Aug14 for 3mths.
Elul 6 in '98 + 4yrs = Elul 6 2002, Jer23:1,39,40 again.
Nov 2000 + 3x7mths of His judging Ams2000 = Aug 2002.
Nov 2000 finished Graham's judgement, then 3x7mths of dying.
GOD is trying to awaken the likes of Eatmon, Hinn, Larson, Strom
to believe + teach His full gospel, directly and thru CCCInc. outreach.
GOD, in Nov 2002, completes 12mths of sustaining my work at the
full Abraham, Moses, Paul level; and 17yrs of giving every
penny back to GOD for His work only, trusting Him for all.
[His work in and thru CCCInc.]
[Concepts Directory]
[GOD's 1Jn2:24,27 work]

5:11 So great fear came upon all the church
and upon all who heard these things.
         26:20 should repent, turn to GOD,
and do works befitting repentance.
GOD has specifically judged and tested many from May '88 to May '98, as to
their obedient faith, in response to His dictated letters thru CCCInc. from '87.
GOD's initial 5 year grace ('88 - '93) was utterly rejected, so His terror for 3mths
resulted in many cast to satan Nov '93, to join Esau and Judas forever.
from our Feb '97 letter to MBI
GOD's terror from Elul 6 for 3 months in '93, casting many 1Cor3:15; 5:5,
is clear to His servants 2Cor3:18; 5:5-11, as Bernardin and Graham
refusing His drawing/calling, now Jer23:1,39,40 Mat12:31; 23 into 10:28 100% lost.
GOD's terror is our example Lk13:3,5 2Pet2:6 that His love and mercy bring
others to godly fear Heb5:7, 100% essential
full earthly, soul salvation Phil2:12 hoping for Rom8:23-25 1Thes5:23 Eph5:27 or 5:6.
GOD's terror continues as He purges the old and builds the new Acts15:16,
repeating Rom11:16-26 (Ps14:7; 22:23-26) globally
true separation from sin Rom6 1Jn3:6 to partake 2Pet1:4,11 to be His Zech13:9 Mat1:21
GOD's 2nd 5 year grace ('93 - '98) has effected no change in the likes of Hybels + Schuller,
so His terror from Elul 6 for 7 months will purge more false shepherds Jer23:1,40.
GOD's full grace is rarely given as most believers fail His initial + partial grace.
[Rev Hybels validating pagan religions: 1] [ 2 ]
[Rev Schuller declares the gospel "utterly ridiculous"]
[see various letters]

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GOD's holy judgement
Amsterdam 2000
GOD tested the Amsterdam 2000 delegates, 7000 evangelists from
around the globe, to truly believe His holy inerrant, pure word.
GOD's judgement upon Graham is evident to Jn14 level believers
striving to obey Him, hoping to enter into true abiding 1Jn3:6.
GOD's judgement upon Graham began Nov '93 when he lost His anointing
or filling or b.a. level for gross disobedience, judgement is finished Nov '00.
GOD's judgement will continue upon each delegate for disbelieving
basic-core Scripture, namely: sin is death + no sinning believer abides.
GOD wanted the delegates to formally commit their true belief-faith;
thru the "Amsterdam Declaration" + the 2nd, a 14 point "Covenant for Evangelists."
GOD has few, if any, delegates actually abiding in Him 1Jn2:6; 3:6,
since very few believers overcome sin, so die in Adam 1Cor15:22,34.
GOD will witness Jer23 Rom1:18 so clearly that millions will come
to believe His true word, and strive to enter Lk13:24 Eph4:15 1Jn2:20-28.

Jer30:23..the whirlwind of the LORD goes forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind;
24 The fierce anger of the LORD will not return until He has done it, and until He has performed the intents of His heart.  

[GOD's holy judgement Home Page]
[see Nov '93 Bernardin]
[see Grahams, Billy and Franklin]
[see Nov '93 Wimber]
[see Graham's false message]
[see Graham in Newsweek]
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Dear Guys,
GOD's hard truth concerning His chastising, His wrath, His yoke is rarely
taught in today's church due to Jer23 Jam4:4 type leaders who reject
the full gospel, teaching myth as fact, so cartoon or mickey mouth Christians.
GOD's wrath upon sin Jn3:36b Rom1:18 is evidenced in Bernardin, Graham, Hybels +
Schuller for disbelief + disobedience, for teaching against His holy inerrant word,
for ignoring His chastising, for ignoring-rejecting His Spirit call + His dictated letters.
GOD's chastising for correction, refining, testing Ps66:8-12 Job33 Acts14:22 Rom6 grows
a few anointed-lukewarm-ungodly into His death thru His fire baptism Zech13:9,
thru His circumcision Deut30:6 Rom2:29 Col2:11, thru His washing 1Cor6:11 1Jn1:7.
GOD's yoke liberates His hagios for full sacrifice Rom12:1 1Cor4:9,10; 15:31 till daily
living 2Cor4:11-6:10 1Jn2:6; 3:6,9,24 learning to rejoice thru copying Jesus + Paul
to grow into true servants for His government-rule Is9:7 2Tim2:12a "endure suffering."
GOD, from Dec'86, graced me to continue to "endure suffering" in total sacrifice,
giving every penny to ministry, so allowing Him total control over my flesh to
qualify for His 100% Spirit leading for His agenda, for His glory, for His Rev20:6.
GOD is now allowing a greater 2Cor4:16 "perishing" in my flesh to magnify His work
thru CCCInc., so spending more 2Cor12:15 for others' souls, receiving a greater
"thorn" or "buffeting" 2Cor12:7, but ever praising Him for His grace, love, power Phil3.
GOD's ongoing Mat3:11 Acts2:38; 26:18,20 work in you all requires yielding to His yoke,
since His hard work requires obedient faith Acts10:35 Rom4 Jam2 to attain,
receive, be worthy of His eternal promises in Him 2Cor1:20,21, if truly 1Jn2:6; 3:6,9,24.
[Bernardin: 1] [ 2 ] [Graham]
[Hybels] [Schuller]
[His Yoke] [His hard work: 1] [ 2 ]
[obedient faith] [His promises]
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Rev Terry Bruce Talso
Minneapolis, Mn
Mar'98 Part 1
GOD the Spirit gifted true, obedient seekers, growing them into called, or lukewarm,
or Jn3:3; 14 level, or merely born again; yet to be fire baptised or fire purged into Him.
GOD the Spirit unction or continual manifestation is thru obedient faith, growing a few thru
1Pet1:7 into 1:9, or true earthly, soul salvation, or Job33:24-30, or Acts14:22 Heb10:39.
GOD the Spirit is "seen" thru His eyes; rarely by sinners, and only dimly by anointed,
but clearly by 1Cor2:6; 12:12-28a Col1:28 Eph4:13c-16,24; 5:27, so truly Job33:26; 42:5.
GOD the Spirit is "seen" thru faith works as Rom4:12,16 Jam2, but the Judas church
teaches outward evidence is proof of salvation, gross lies against Him and His word, 2Tim2;3.
GOD the Spirit produces His fruit, or more accurately reproduces Himself in/thru His own, so
Gal5 qualifies a few in true union, or "perfect in one" Jn17:20-23, so "firstfruits" Rom8:23.
GOD the Spirit demands death of our all, or total, to enter His being; only then does Rom8
apply to us, or qualifies His own, if they obey all He says 1Cor9:27 Heb3:6,14; 5:9 or 6:4-6.
GOD the Spirit never forsakes obedient faith, wishing to save all, but thru free will
we choose much Rom1:18; 2:1-16; but the Judas church claims Rom8 applies to all.
 Robert Bristow
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Rev Terry Bruce Talso
Minneapolis, Mn
Mar'98 Part 2
GOD the Spirit works thru obedient faith; a process of refining, teaching, washing
as we willingly choose to obey His voice, even thru blood, disgrace, pain till dead
to all.
GOD the Spirit empowers our evil will to obey, as our carnal will cannot (of itself)
do good, Mat12:34 "how can you (do or) say good things when you are evil?," so all
begin in Rom3:10-18,23.
GOD the Spirit alone changes, kills, renews our evil will into His holy, pure will,
if we copy Lk12:50; 22:42, till 100% in His will or 100% Spirit led in every aspect
of our lives.
GOD the Spirit alone delivers or frees or saves us from evil deeds (sin), if we
repent, Jn3:19-21; 8:39-44 Rom8:13, or from dead works Heb9:14, lest Jude15
Rev2:6,22; 16:11 into 3:9.
GOD the Spirit alone effects true repentance from the heart, not mere mouth as the
Judas church teaches, Lk3:8; 13:3,5; 24:47 Acts26:20 Rom2:4 2Cor7:10 till
cease all sin Acts2:38 Rom6:23.
GOD the Spirit alone effects true baptism thru His fire, not H2O as the
Judas church teaches, Gen3:24 Ps66:8-12 Lk3:16; 12:49 Mk10:39 till
Zech13:9 1Pet1:7,9, the truth in Acts2:38 and Rom6.
GOD the Spirit alone effects the two stages of spiritual rebirth; Jn3:3 and 3:5
or to see and to enter, Jn14 and Jn15, Acts5:32 and 14:22, 1Cor12:7 and 13,
Col1:27 and 28, 1Jn2:27 and 3:6, and many more.
 Robert Bristow
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Rev Terry Bruce Talso
Minneapolis, Mn
Mar'98 Part 3
GOD the Spirit must be obeyed just to be born again 1Pet1:22 "obey..thru the Spirit"
into 1:23 "having been born again," but the Judas church says all confessors are
GOD the Spirit must be obeyed to remain Jn3:3, dimly seeing Jn14:19,21 1Cor12:7;
but most initial b.a. believers never truly obey, so continue as lukewarm or depart
His calling.
GOD the Spirit must be obeyed to hear, to know, to learn at the child level Jn14
1Jn2; 3:7,8,10; yet to grow Eph4:15, yet to enter Acts14:22, yet to walk
1Jn1:7; 2:6, yet to overcome 1Jn5:4 Rev2; 3.
GOD the Spirit must be obeyed for life Mat19:17, for soul salvation Mat16:26 Job33
1Pet1:7,9 Phil2:12 Heb5:9, as even b.a. believers are only spirit saved, naked,
cast into outer darkness.
GOD the Spirit must be obeyed to be loved personally; Jn14:21,23 qualify the
child level, Jn15:10 qualifies the young man level, yet the Judas church says
He loves all personally.
GOD the Spirit must be obeyed to die to our will, to be freed from sin, to be led
Rom6; 8, then to abide 1Cor1:30; 12:12-28a 1Jn3:6, now born of GOD Jn1:13 1Jn3:9; 5
or full rebirth.
GOD the Spirit must be obeyed thru more purging Jn15:2 Heb12:4-13 till a handful
attain apostle or father or son level, His beloved, as Moses and Paul, His image
Rom8:29 Eph3:19b; 4:13d.
 Robert Bristow
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Rev Terry Bruce Talso
Minneapolis, Mn
Mar'98 Part 4
GOD the Spirit breathed, dictated His holy word 2Tim3:16, beginning with Moses,
complex laws and prophecies, much a mystery even today, awaiting revelation.
GOD the Spirit worked thru the likes of Tischendorf, but much lost or destroyed,
so He must repeat to effect His final 70 book Bible, using RT and law of text again.
GOD the Spirit demands purity Mat5:48 1Pet1:16 or Jn15 2Pet1:4 of His final servants,
Jer23:4 Rom6:22 1Cor2:6,16 to know 100% truth and witness all truth 1Jn3:6; 5:20 Rev11.
GOD the Spirit shares full truth with very few Ps25:14 Pr3:32 Amos3:7 1Cor2 till Rev10:7.
GOD the Spirit begins our salvation process, enabling confession 1Cor12:3 to mere spirit saved,
then grows us from Eph3:16 into 3:17a or from 4:13a into 4:13b thru obedience Acts5:32 1Pet1:22,23.
GOD the Spirit then grows a few born again or lukewarm from Jn3:3 into 3:5 thru Acts14:22,
or from 1Jn2:24,27 into 3:6,9 thru true sanctification as soul salvation is in 2Thes2:13.
GOD the Spirit must sanctify us by faith Acts26:18 Rom4:12,16 (into 5:1,2) 100% 1Thes5:23; 3:13
to qualify for the 1st resurrection Heb12:14 Rev20:6 Lk20:35,36 as only purity sees 1Cor15 1Thes4.
GOD the Spirit never allows sin in His being Rom14:17 1Jn1:5; 3:5, so most believers 2Thes1:8,9.
GOD the Spirit from Gen1:2 thru Zech4:6 Rom15:19 to Rev22:17 bears witness, but truly seen and
heard by His own Rom8:15,16 1Jn5:6,8 Rev2;3, born of Spirit into His holiest Heb8:2; 9:3; 10:19-22.
GOD the Spirit must sanctify us to be acceptable Rom15:16; 12:1,2, attained by His 3rd part only,
the few in Christ 1Cor1:2-9,30; 2; 3:16,17; 4, having completed Zech13:9 Mal3:3 into Heb12:22,23.
GOD the Spirit seals us in Him Eph1:13; 4:15-32 to receive all His promises Rom4:16 2Cor1:20-22,
having proved we love Him Jn14:15 at 10:17 level, Jam1:12 1Jn3:16; 4:7-5:20, others Eph2:12; 5:6.
GOD the Spirit is our guarantee, if living Rom8 2Cor4:11-7:1 1Jn2:6, any lack is sin and death.
 Robert Bristow
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Rev Thomas Trask
Dec '97 Part 4
GOD had me stay with my father's elder sister to learn some family truth because
my father was shielded from my grandfather's true life and death, even to this day.
GOD had me genuinely interested in China, so a true bond was established with my aunt,
opening the door to facts not then known to others, since no kin had shown interest.
GOD later revealed truth (1Jn2:27) about my grandparents when reading published letters
in AG press, his were dismal, unspiritual, but hers were anointed, glorifying His work.
GOD showed me His judgement: my grandfather lost overboard and goods destroyed by war,
my grandmother aware of the disgrace and shame, passed early in sadness and ill-health.
GOD's curse continued on all offspring (except me Rom9), my father a mason by heart,
others passed on, nominal believers to non-believers, but from early '97 GOD is working in all.
GOD's incredible grace upon Rom8:29, as Moses and Paul, set me free from His curse in '84,
then proved my faith 14 years, to fulfill His desires, promises, will, for His glory, if I obey.
GOD's curse upon sin was legally broken by Christ, but must be individually
broken thru our experiential walk and work as we obey His voice into His union.
 Robert Bristow
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[14 years] [if I obey]
[curse upon sin] [obey His voice]
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GOD rules
Jan '97   

GOD's full, bitter truth has been shared to thousands for ten yrs, yet none believe, obey, teach, Gen-Rev e.g. Ex20 Lev23 or 2Ch7:14 Zech13:9 Mat1:21 2Cor6 to be His or Jn5:14; 8:11 Rom2:13; 6:16 to abide 1Jn2:6; 3:6 so very few truly abide in Christ, yet 2 billion merely confess Him as do Mat8:29 Jam2:19 Jn8:44 1Jn3:8a.
GOD foretold satan's rule Acts20:27-30 2Pet2 1Jn2:18,19, seen now by true believers obeying His voice e.g. Mat5:48; 6:33; 19:17; 22:37-40, to prove we love Him Jn10:17; 15:10 1Jn3:24 Rev14:12; 20:4,6, also seeing His hand in Jer23 Acts15:16 NOW, proving Is11:11,12 Lk1:33 will repeat Acts2:42-47; 5:42, but globally.
GOD promised to effect Spirit rule, 100% contrary to man's 1900yr rule, copying Paul's example Acts20, as chief 2Cor11:5; 12:11 1Cor4; 11:1-3a even over Peter Gal2:11 1Tim1:16 2Pet3:15,16, so His true spiritual, holy, sin-free body Eph1:4-14 2:6; 5:27 Heb12:22,23 or Rom6:3-8,22; 8:14,29, apostle of GOD, Rev2:27 fulfilling Dan2:40-45; 7:7 Rev17:9.
GOD's promised grace Is65; 66 Mic4; 5 etc. demands an equal measure of obedience into right Rom2:13; 6:16 as His full grace demands a walk Rom4:12-16; 5:2; 5:21 or blind obedience to His voice, from 1Pet1:22,23 thru 1:7-16 into Job33:24 1Pet2:3,5,9 2Pet1:4,11 1Jn3:6,9 then truly His, if endure forever, hoping for Rom8:23-25 1Pet1:3-5; 4 Heb3:1,6,14.
GOD promised a Ruler for His true people Mat2:6 Lk1:33, qualifying 100s O.T. references for His 3part church but most believers are bound, lost, sinful, rejecting His grace, love, power for soul salvation, so join Esau's fate, Obadiah Zech13:8 Ps1:5 1Pet4:18, as sin is darkness and death, outside Christ, few truly abide 1Jn, most Heb12:15-17.
GOD promised a personal love, agape or affection, towards His true people Jn15:10, as Jacob Rom9:13, but few join Jacob's joy Rom11:26,27 1Jn3:5,6 Jn15:11, most only experience His moral love Jn3:16 ever in sin, so His enemies Mat15:26 Rom5:8,10 1Cor15:25; 16:22 Col1:21 Heb10:13, outside Christ Jn15:6 2Thes1:8,9 as He hates sin Heb1:9 1Jn3:4,8a,10.
GOD promised a fire purging to set right or justify His true people Lk3:16; 12:49 1Pet1:7 Rev3:18 qualifying Is48 Mal3 1Pet2:5,9 1Jn1:6, so very few Col1:11-13, worthy 1Cor10:15-21; 11:23-31 2Cor4:11-7:1 Lk20:35,36 and few truly believe Jn5:24; 6:47-63 "as Christ" or "in Christ" 1Jn2:6, most so-called believers outside Christ Jn3:18-21.
GOD's full, heavenly promises are experienced by His true people 2Ch7:14 Rom8:15-17; 14:17 Eph1:4-14; 2; 3:17b-19; 5:27 as fallen man is of satan Jn8:40-44 1Jn3:8a,10, totally rejecting Jn4:22c; 19:19-22 Lk19:14, very few see Job33:24-30 1Pet1:9; 2:24,25 most outside Christ 2Cor4:3,4 Eph2:12; 5:3-6, in Adam 1Cor15:22, so Lk19:27 Rev2:9; 3:9; 18; 20:7-15 2Pet2:17 Jude7-13.

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Aug '95
Sin free, Law of Text
GOD in flesh, Christ Jesus, bore our sin (the cross) Jn19:17, His prime mission,
to save His own only Zech13:9 Mat1:21 thru obeying "sin no more" Jn5:14; 8:11
rarely believed Jn3:16,36 so few saved.
GOD's grace, love, power works in Jn14 level for fire baptism, circumcision,
remission, repentance thru blind obedience, copying Christ, till...
as Him 1Jn1:7; 2:6, in Him 1Jn1:5; 2:5; 3:6, of Him 1Jn3:9; 5:4,18-20.
GOD alone has authority to aphesis or free us from past sin Acts2:38, 10:43
(Rom3:25; 6:18,22; 7:14 into 24,25; 8:1-4) His meaning, word in Mk3:29
Acts5:31; 13:38; 26:18 Eph1:7 Col1:14 but mistranslated by confused man,
ignored law of text.
GOD and His Jn15 level only have authority to aphiemi our sin Mat6:12-15 Jn20:23
if His conditions are met.
GOD's clear, inerrant word adheres to His strict law of text yet man has
confused simple apeitheia(eo, es) to change disobey into apisteo(ia, os) seen below.
GOD used(es) apeitheia, etc. in Eph2:2; 5:6 Col3:6 Rom2:8 1Pet2:7,8; 3:1,20; 4:17
Lk1:17 Rom1:30 2Tim3:2 Tit1:16; 3:3 correctly taught and translated in KJV,
a hard message to all believers, so most 2Thes1:8,9.
GOD used(es) apeitheia, etc. in Jn3:36 Acts14:2; 17:5; 19:9 Rom11:30,32; 15:31
Heb3:18; 4:6,11; 11:31 mistaught and mistranslated, so grossly changes
His message, truth, that all believers to obey Him Mat19:17 Heb5:9.
GOD clearly demands obedience or wrath, His word is forever, He cannot lie 1Pet1:25.
 Robert Bristow
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Dear Mum and Dad,
2 of 4
Mar '95
GOD, in Mar '84, took me into His divine nature thru Job33 Zech13:9 Acts14:22
1Pe1:7,9; 5:10 Rev3:18 fulfilling Mat6:33; 19:17,21...He alone keeping me
in perfect health, joy, peace by faith Rom14:17 2Pet1:4,11...if 1Jn2:5,6.
GOD, in '84, had me write then recite 3 times a detailed, Dan9 type prayer,
clearly seen from May '88 if 1Cor2:6 Jer23 Acts15:16 Dan2:40-45 Mic4; 5 Rev1:20
that Eph5:27 2Pet3:14 having had 1900yrs Acts20:29,30 2Thes2:11,12 1Jn2:18,19.
GOD, in Feb '95, completed 10yrs 2x7days testing, living homeless, penniless, praying,
speaking, writing against Jn8:44 1Jn3:8 church and sharing 100% truth as He reveals
His inerrant word 1Cor1:30; 2; 4 Eph1:4,9; 3 from '85 at Willow Creek to 1000s more.
GOD, in '84, insisted I adhere to His voice Deut29:29 Ps25:14 Pr3:32 to see Bible
truth e.g. GOD is holy, none in sin abide... yet the church teaches all sinners 1Jn3:6,9
so declaring a sinner is as GOD 1Jn2:6, the ultimate blasphemy 2Thes2:4 Mat12:31,32.
GOD, in '85, revealed Rom6 is spiritual, 10 verses qualifying a few as Him...ceased
sin, delivered, saved, sin taken away...yet the church teaches Rom6 is as John in Lk3,
ignoring Mat3:11 Lk3:16 even 12:50 Jesus future baptism of GOD so Mk10:39 is fire.
GOD, in '86, revealed initial details of CCCInc. 7 companies in 7 cities Mic5:5
Amos3:7 1Cor2:16; 4:15 Heb1:1,2 1Jn2:14a that His Bible studies teach all truth daily,
copying Acts5:42, growing babes to children to young men to father Eph3:16-19b; 4:13.
GOD, today assures my spirit and soul of His grace, love, power as I obey in love,
faith to overcome all sin Rom7; 8 1Jn5:4 so retaining His abiding, holiness, justification,
righteousness, sanctification, union, yet hoping for body salvation Rom8:23,24.
Dear Mum and Dad,
Mar '96
GOD, in '84, completed Rom6 in me (Job33 Acts14:22) to enter His presence
Ps91 Heb10:14,19-22; 12:6,22,23; 1Jn1:7; 2:6; 3:6,9.
GOD demands I obey Deut5 to copy Christ Mat19:17-26 to keep my dwelling place
19:27-30; 22:14 Eph1:3-14.
GOD's grace, love, power kept me 12yrs thru blood, disgrace, pain,
refusing satan, self, sin lest Heb6:4-6; 10:26...
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