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GOD's parousia is His living promise or prophesying revealed to His true prophets,
from OT to Christ to NT to now, His truth is being given to His Amos3:7 1Cor2:6-16.
GOD's parousia is fully known by the Father Is9:6, and revealed by Him (Mat16:17),
yet many sinners + mere anointed purport to speak for Him, in absolute ignorance.
GOD's parousia is partially revealed to a few (faithful) anointed growing into prophets,
as spiritual gifts come at 1Cor12:7-11 (Jn14:21), but must be learned, refined into 12:13.
GOD's parousia is partially revealed to a few lukewarm growing thru obedient faith
into hearing/seeing more clearly His Spirit voice/ways, never contrary to His word.
GOD's parousia is partially revealed to b.a. believers 1Jn2:20-27, who are expected
to share His truth to prove they actually believe, so using the Spirit blessings.
GOD's parousia is fully revealed to His overcoming prophet level 1Jn3:9; 5:4,7,8,
expected to believe all and share all, unlike Buckingham + McDowell, who didn't.
GOD's parousia is fully revealed to His own, special people Zech13:9 2Cor6 Eph2 1Pet2,
His true children, living as Christ, subjects of the King, refusing satan, self, sin.

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