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Christian Community Churches Inc.

U.S. Catholic
July 15th '99
Sharing GOD's teaching and work.
GOD's word, Pr23:23, is a major command concerning His truth or gospel
being shared or taught; a command CCCInc. adheres to strictly, forever.
GOD, in Jan '97, commanded CCCInc. 7 companies publish all His dictated letters,
Bible study material and stories about His work in the church of the era.
GOD demanded this material be free to all, to edify believers and reach out
to the unbelievers - both in and out of the church, as very few truly believe.
GOD demanded we copy Christ and His early disciples as they shared, taught and
worked to support their ministries, ever trusting GOD for all needs Acts18:3; 20.
GOD demanded we adhere to Title 17, US code in all we publish, for education
and free of charge, so never profitting or stealing, from anybody, ever.
GOD's holy teaching on forgiveness, a hard teaching, is essential to salvation
of soul, but very few copy Christ + Stephen Lk23:34 Acts7:60 to fulfill Mat6.
GOD is glorified thru sharing or witnessing His work in church people, so we
published McClory's stories of GOD's work, noting the source, to edify everyone.
Robert Bristow
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Prov23..23 Buy the truth, and do not sell wisdom and instruction and understanding.

Larry Florek Ministries
Colorado Springs, Co.
May '98
Part 1
Christian Publishing
GOD, from Gen-Rev, instructed His people to work; clearly commanded by Christ
Himself and thru Paul Mat17:27 1Cor4:12; 9 2Thes3:6-12, but the current church ignores.
GOD never intended preaching and publishing be professions, rather, He calls
us to be separated from the worldly ways, "sell not," as servants like Paul.
GOD winked at the marketplace oriented church, but is now calling all to repent,
to cease selling His truth for private gain, hence CCCInc. free web-site to all.
GOD's new publishing houses will be managed by Jn15 level directors, funded by
Embassy mlm, that many staff be freed from supporting, as sin.
GOD's simple NFP's allows for self-employed, tax-exempt volunteers in all
godly ventures, that will restructure true Christian businesses, hospitals, schools, etc.
GOD's new publishing houses will adhere to His true family focus, giving His
3part church full salvation teaching, no more mickey mouth theology, lies, myths.
GOD's full salvation plan demands living and dying like Christ, a walk of faith,
not a mere talk, as even demons confess and believe Mat8:29 Jam2:19, see MBI.
David C. Cook Pub., David Mehlis
Group Pub., Thom Schultz
NavPress Pub., Jerry Bridges
[part 1] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
[GOD's revelation to Larry]
[Corporate Concepts #5 information links]
[free web-site] [Embassy]
[His true family focus] [walk of faith]
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Christian Corporate Concepts Inc.
GOD's word or His Spirit voice or Christ the Word is One being,
intimately heard and known and leads very few believers into
Jn3:5; 15; 17 1Jn3:6,9 since most "believers" reject or deny Him.
GOD's breathed or dictated word continues 1Cor2 Rev11:3; 10:7 Amos3:7
that He Mat2:6 Lk1:33 Is32:1 Jer23:5b Rev2:27 Dan2:40-45 thru CCCInc.
Bible studies and tests so He qualifies true believers, others 2Tim2:12 Lk19:27.
GOD's demand that we obey Him Deut11:26-28 Mat19:17 Heb5:9 1Jn2:17
leads few believers from 1Jn2:20-27 into 2:29-5:20 or into 2Cor4:11-7:1 or
into soul salvation Job33 Acts14:22 Heb10:39 1Pet1:9, others Mat10:28 Ez18.
GOD demands Mat5:48 1Pet1:16 Gen17:1 without excuse to be 2Thes2:13 or 1:8,9
so few believers Eph4:15 to be 4:24; 5:27 to truly abide 1Jn2:6 Col1:28; 4:12
as no sinning believer enters His heaven, kingdom, life, presence, salvation - ever.
[see "suffering" by Joni Eareckson Tada]
[see "moral conduct" by A.W. Tozer]
[see "hard forgiving" by Robert McClory]
[Corporate Concepts #1 information links]
[see His voice: 1] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ]
[see true "seekers" by Chas. H Spurgeon]
[see true "called" by Ernest Reisinger]
[see true chosen: 1] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
[see free will by Walter Chantry]