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Christian Corporate Concepts Inc.
Dear Mum + Dad,
Feb '98 Part 4
GOD, many years ago, challenged my mere confessing belief or faith or love
towards Him, when He asked, "Would I die for Him, Jesus?" I simply said "Yes."
GOD, later, in '82, thru His Spirit, began showing me truth I never before
heard from man, e.g. true obedience to life, true faith is copying Christ now.
GOD, in '84, completed my death thru believing + obeying His voice, showing
me true separation 2Cor6:14-18, even from you, fulfilling Lk14:26 Zech13:9.
GOD's true believers copy Rom4:12-16 Jam2, impossible for confessors/most at Jn14,
as few trust His grace, love, power into Jn15 1Jn3:6,9, or into Jn17:20-23 now.
GOD winked at your masonic, anti-Christ beliefs, but His grace since Mar '97
exhorts you to repent and seek the true Christ, our GOD Almighty, Creator, Saviour.
GOD insisted several times thru His dictated letters that we meet again only if
you attain Jn14 level, as He prohibits my intimacy with Mat8:29; 15:26 Jam2:19.
GOD's hard word is truth, not linguistic/cultural idioms as the Judas church teaches,
His word is a matter of life and death few take seriously, so most Mat12:31.
 Robert Bristow
cc. Rev Dudley Foord
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