From: Alex Poole
Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 16:36:55 -0600
To: Jorge Vargas
CC: Cory Sellers, Keith Sellers
Subject: Letter from Robert

Dear Jorge,
Wed., Dec 4th, '02
GOD, in your words, put you on notice (a warning) Aug '02.
GOD, last Sabbath, again put you on notice, a warning.
You started, in Aug '02, to comply with GOD's demand, but
recently, due to lack of belief and outright disobedience
you have ceased most of GOD's call + His S.O.P.
You were asked to compile GOD's S.O.P. for you personally,
this request was from the LORD, not from me, as I have
never asked anyone to do this, tho the LORD has had
Alex, Cory + Keith type up their S.O.P. from Him.
Your continued lack in many areas shows a deep
seated disregard for GOD, a faithlessness that usually
ends in Mat7:21-23 (10:28), but you don't care!
GOD has promised Phil1:6 for you, so He is forced to
bring you to obey, His way, and that means His hard
work upon you will be painful. Be warned!!
Your lack of wanting Truth actually is leaving you
in lies + these lies compound into division with
others - whereas the LORD requires UNITY.