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GOD, thru His parousia,
promised to rule Is32:1 Jer23:5 Mat2:6 Lk1:33 Rev19:15;
promised to change the world, refer to hundreds of Scriptures;
therefore is now using His people for new technology in the marketplace.

The Origin of the Hydra Web Intrusion Prevention System

GOD's silent hand from 1988 took Erick Uner through "a lot of strange classes like fractal geometry and chaotic dynamics, which I never thought would amount to much. But I ended up using them working on encryption technology at my first job at Motorola."
GOD used the Motorola mentality of perfection to teach Uner His ideals, methods, ways that all code must be bug-free, totally FLAWLESS, during His grace period of 5 years, then another thru much more stress in developing software till 2000.
GOD then guided Uner and his old teammate, Hauk, to change direction in 2000, which led to web security and the Hydra Web Intrusion Prevention System.

Read "He's confident system can stop any virus" by Dave Lundy
Chicago Sun-Times - Tuesday, January 22, 2004
Inspired IT Services Home Page
Managing and Marketing
Efficiency Technologies
External and Internal Security Threats


The External Threat
    In today's marketplace, most businesses/companies are at least aware of the existence of evil hackers that use viruses, worms, and trojan horses to attack/penetrate computers connected to the internet to steal or modify critical data and/or shut down entire networks. In response to this threat, most companies employ inferior firewalls and network/computer intrusion prevention and detection hardware and/or software in concert with inferior anti-virus software, all designed to protect or shield the inherent vulnerabilities in today's mainstream server/workstation operating systems and other programs. Bodacion Technologies' Hydra WIPS is the only system on the market today that is verifiably bug-free (so never requiring patches and fixes to function properly) and has proven itself to be 100% effective in stopping any/all hacker-attacks. For companies truly interested in total protection against external threats to their networks, the choice is simple.

The Internal Threat
    The threat that many/most companies may have not yet recognized nor taken steps to protect themselves from is that of an internal threat. Any employee that has access to your network is a potential threat. A disgruntled employee, an employee using a roaming laptop that unknowingly picks up a virus while checking e-mail outside of the office only to bring it back and spread it around inside your network, even an employee turned terrorist mole all have the ability to inflict serious damage to vital internal systems, albeit purposefully or accidentally. Once again, Hydra is able to help in this scenario provided all internal network traffic is routed through the Hydra before reaching other systems.
    Thus, the Hydra Web Intrusion Prevention System by Bodacion Technologies is the only viable solution for businesses/companies interested in protecting their networks from external and internal attacks. Is your network safe?

...because of the above
the Hydra Web Intrusion Prevention System
is absolutely essential for Full/Total network Security.
Inspired IT Services Home Page
Managing and Marketing
Efficiency Technologies
GOD, thru His parousia,
promised to rule Is32:1 Jer23:5 Mat2:6 Lk1:33 Rev19:15;
promised to change the world, refer to hundreds of Scriptures;
therefore is now using His people for new technology in the marketplace.


GOD used Walter Mossberg to write about the lack of security and how techies blame others instead of owning up to their own incompetence.

Read "It's about time for somebody to solve the security problem"
by Walter Mossberg - Wall Street Journal - March 2004

Taken from
...because of the above
the Hydra Web Intrusion Prevention System
is absolutely essential for Full/Total network Security.
Inspired IT Services Home Page
Managing and Marketing
Efficiency Technologies
GOD, thru His parousia,
promised to rule Is32:1 Jer23:5 Mat2:6 Lk1:33 Rev19:15;
promised to change the world, refer to hundreds of Scriptures;
therefore is now using His people for new technology in the marketplace.

The Origin of the Hydra Web Intrusion Prevention System
GOD guided Uner and Hauk to use the base code,
the nanokernel of the boeing 747's operating
system to ensure maximum bug-free code
was developed for the Hydra Web system.
GOD guided them to build the world's only web intrusion
devise to stop viruses, worms and trojan horses,
even offering $100,000 to anyone hacking into the
Hydra system to justify-prove their claims are true.
Size of Code in log (lines)

Taken from
CCCInc. Home Page
Christian Community Companies Inc.
Community Companies' Banner
Christian Community Companies Inc.
Corporate Leadership - IT
for full sustainable growth and consumer education
GOD-given free enterprises employ the latest technology to conserve
resources, offer full value products and services, eliminate waste
just to begin sustainable growth, as practiced by 3M for a
quarter century to save $857 million and avoid waste fees + fines.
GOD-given free enterprises evaluate and study their complete-full
supply chains; whether energy, components, methods, etc., to ascertain
and manage the fine balance of sustainable growth along
with being responsible for the environment and social needs.
GOD-given free enterprises are responsible for educating consumers
in relevant applications to effect the maximum environmental
benefits and minimized social disruptions to meet the highest ethical
standard and be qualified as having moral marketplace behaviour.
Note Moral Instruction and Moral Culture attached for
GOD's standard.
Also note the Economist Oct25th 2003 article qualifying
Corporate Leadership
wherein the 1st commandment for successful leaders is an ethical compass.
Refer to the Chicago Sun-Times - Tuesday, January 22, 2004 article
on Hydra WIPS wherein Bodacion Technologies product is verifiably bug-free,
so eliminating time consuming, wasteful patches and updates. Consequently,
this system can be used for space station portals,
superior earth-based server networks and home networks.
CCCInc. Home Page
Christian Community Companies Inc.
Community Companies' Banner
Christian Community Companies Inc.
True Value IT Services
from Responsible Producers

Responsible Producers adhere to basic business principles
in offering true service and full value, 100% contrary to most
US producers who practice greed, planned obsolescence + waste.
Responsible Producers develop, market, install the latest technology,
integrate upgrades, practice voluntary co-operation for full
or maximum customer satisfaction, and pursue full marketplace potential.
Responsible Producers are active in conservation of resources,
in eliminating waste, in establishing innovative technology quickly,
in full service-value education, in moral behaviour, to be Responsible.
Note the IBD article Nov 5th '03 "Innovate or Die," but
in particular its companion article wherein most shun innovation
and then "few companies ever grow successfully, repeatedly" long term.
Also note the Chicago Sun-Times - Tuesday, January 22, 2004 article
wherein the Hydra WIPS is totally rejected for evil reasons, even by
parts of the US government, so using destructive, dysfunctional systems
instead of the latest, most secure technology available.

Taken from
Inspired IT Services Home Page
Managing and Marketing
Efficiency Technologies
GOD, thru His parousia,
promised to rule Is32:1 Jer23:5 Mat2:6 Lk1:33 Rev19:15;
promised to change the world, refer to hundreds of Scriptures;
therefore is now using His people for new technology in the marketplace.

The Origin of the Hydra Web Intrusion Prevention System
GOD guided Uner to introduce Hydra WIPS
to businesses and government, but uptill Jan '04
most shun the technology, as corrupt, inept, lazy
people reject change, so GOD must intervene that
His global, networked infrastructure is 100% secure.
Read "He's confident system can stop any virus" by Dave Lundy
Chicago Sun-Times - Tuesday, January 22, 2004
Ps127:1 Except the LORD
builds the house
they labour in vain.