Dear Jeanne and Cory,
I have lovingly remembered you many times and am now writing to you both in love. I have previously put down the desire to write to you, not sure of what I could or should say, though clearly I have had you on my heart. Hayley told me that you were expecting your first son, Jesse and are probably delivered by now. Praise God for these little ones! I am enjoying being "gamey" to Chloe and Isaiah; its a blessing to have them live near at this time. Rick and I did not buy the house in the country :) We are still in the apartment. We are beginning the third year here...waiting. It's my desire to follow the Holy Spirit and have felt no leading in making a move. I am leaving that decision up to Rick. About a year before Hayley and Casey were married I felt this very strong sense that God was about to reveal some GREAT thing to me...I could almost see it. I tried to tell others about it and only Hayley and Casey really listened. It was at the same time the Lord healed me, and I know it now to be the anointing. I was struggling at the Nazarene church. I remember back to a Wednesday night prayer meeting after my anointing, I quite simply said that the bible was really ALIVE and that the Lord spoke to me...even the preacher laughed. Though they said they believed me, I knew they didn't understand. I knew there was SO MUCH MORE. Though I continued studying and praying there with them another year, I found very few who even had a clue about the things the Lord was showing me. I began to see darkness shrouding those who claimed Christianity and felt at the time the Lord was helping me to discern spirits. I was thankful when my husband Rick was experiencing similar feelings of dissatisfaction with the church and we left. When Casey and Hayley presented me with the TRUTH and I started reading CCC's web site about the 3-part church, I knew it was the revelation I had been waiting for. While Casey and Hayley have always been a valuable source of encouragement, I follow only the Holy Spirit. I know that the Spirit will teach me all things. Likewise when they were a part of the CCC fellowship, I never felt a drawing there...or with THT. Casey really wanted me to start a bible study with one of the ladies at that church, but I never felt the Spirit's leading. Though I assume little acts of obedience daily, I go through long periods where I'm not certain what the Lord wants of me. I continue to walk in faith. I'm not certain that you care to hear my story, but I really wanted to write to you, and desire to hear from you as well. I miss seeing you both and ALWAYS think of you and your family with love. Hayley often says, "I really miss Cory and Jeanne".
Peace- Pamela

Dear Pamela, Dec 14th, '00
GOD's family of believers or His 3part church is truly in the care
of our Great Shepherd, who wishes all experience His grace,
love, power to begin their own intimate relationships by
growing into born again status as you began several years ago.
GOD is fulfilling many promises of old, Ez34 Jer23 just two
to speak of, wherein He teaches us as we apply obedient faith
1Jn2:3,20-27, striving to enter into total likeness
Lk13:3,24; 14:26-33 till copying Him 12:50; 22:42 Rom6.
GOD's way is not pretty or comfortable as the Judas church
believes; rather, it means pain and hardship to attain to
His sanctifying work in our souls, which you are now experiencing
thru faith, as your e-mail outreach testifies, bringing joy to us all.
Phil1:6 Eph4:15 thru Acts14:22 into 1Jn3.
Robert (friend of Jeanne & Cory)