To: Geoffrey Colvin []

Geoffrey Colvin,
July 2005
copies to Heritage list
Re: Wal-Mart
Socially Responsible
GOD had us respond to your article-column suggesting Wal-Mart's
limited growth potential -- repeated at the bottom.
GOD's selected businesses for His end-times rule, His parousia,
includes Wal-Mart, in order to fulfill His agenda-plan for
the purpose of His evangelism - witness and His final harvest.
GOD is having Wal-Mart expand its financial services:
"We continue to look for what makes sense to the customer,"
says Tom McLean, Wal-Mart financial services director;
is seeking to start a bank in Salt Lake City, UTAH;
as Tom McLean says,
"The growth has been extremely good, we're very pleased with the results."
in Christ's love,
 Robert Bristow
To: Geoffrey Colvin []

Geoffrey Colvin,
Feb 2005
copies to Heritage list
Value Driven
GOD the Spirit pressed us to relay some
pertinent Spirit induced material for
your perusal-study thru prayer/fasting.
GOD's new Wal-Mart will Not slow down, quite the contrary,
His business strategy will grow Wal-Mart into a global
service organisation of which retail is a component part.
GOD's Bible-based free-market principles ensure Value for
Consumer is always the goal to broaden the consumer base,
to satisfy the community, to provide fair-just ROI, to glorify Him.
 Robert Bristow
complete file on GOD's Marketplace Rule's_Marketplace_rule.html
especially note "... selected businesses"
Fortune Feb 7 2005 page 48
"Wal-Mart Is Going Upscale" by Tracie Rozhon
The New York Times - Friday, April 8, 2005
[see complete Wal-Mart file]
Claudia Rosett [], George Melloan [],
Thomas Donlan [], Dennis Bakke []

Claudia Rosett, Opinion Journal
George Melloan, WSJ
Thomas Donlan, Barrons
Dennis Bakke
April 2005
copies to Heritage list
GOD's Special Nurturing
Dear Learned Writers,
GOD is using businesses, nations, global sectors to accomplish
His agenda, His goals thru His free-market principles to benefit
a) His flock, b) other Bible believers, c) the lost, d) all mankind,
eg the British infrastructure, one common language, etc, helps all Indians.
GOD's positive stream is drawing many back to Bible truth,
to cleaner, healthy, repentant lifestyles, to participate in
His institutions, to sacrifice and serve in order to know Him,
to participate in His management Is9:6,7, to share His love.
GOD's special nurturing of His flock from 2000-2017 is akin
to His Hand on the USA and His Mat24:14 evangelism,
ensuring right-minded leaders guide-sustain His law
that His flock benefit, grow, prosper to witness His love.
GOD, from Jan 2017, repeats the 1960 spiritual dryness
to refine-test His flock to refuse satan thru the elite;
but most fail, giving consent to Dan7:25 Rev13:16; 18,
yet His chosen, few, saints overcome all Rev3:9-12 into 20:6.
in Christ's love,
Robert Bristow
[E-mail + Response directory]
[GOD's work from 2017]
[see original file]
[chosen-elect] [holy ones]
[GOD Ordains Few]
Isaiah 9:6,7

GOD, from 1948, has guided-nurtured certain companies and
individuals by allowing them to inwardly perceive the right way,
to instinctively know the right course, all without directly
empowering them or anointing them or abiding in them, His grace.
GOD, from Nov 2002, is seeking, sifting, sorting the above to recognise
His silent Hand, to confirm such publicly, to believe and obey
His current drawing into a personal relationship with Him into
being born again believers Jn14 Acts5:32; 9:17,18 1Cor12:7 1Peter1.
GOD desires that believers grow in grace, then into His full grace
to hear-believe-know Him as Abraham Jn5:24; 17:3, but most
believers fail-reject His grace Heb12:15-17 1Jn3:8,10 Rev21:8; 22:15
by rejecting His clear, holy word Deut5; 11:26-28 Mat19:17 Heb5:9 1Pet1:25.
[see original file]
CCCInc. Home Page
Christian Community Churches Inc.

Christian Community Churches Inc.
July '95
GOD's parousia
GOD's parousia is clear to Jn15 1Cor2:6 1Jn2:6 1Jn3:6 since May '48
Is9:6,7; 11:11,12 establishing many global ministries, 100% non-sectarian
Jn14:6 1Cor1; 3 Eph4:5 yet not 100% in His agenda...lukewarm at
GOD must effect an iron rule over His house 2Tim2:20 as before, Moses and Paul
Ex32 1Cor5 (late '93 Bernardin) as only true obedience and fear bring repentance
till/for full forgiveness and remission or ceasing of sins Heb5:7-9 1Jn1:5-7; 3:9.
GOD clearly says He will judge and purge evil from His house 2Tim2:21 that
His agenda is obeyed 100% since satan, self, sin rule the current church
Jn8:44 1Jn3:8,10 from Acts20:29,30 1Jn2:18,19 so Jer7; 23; 44 is NOW.
GOD is ordaining Jn15 level as His elders, bishops, deacons to pray, discern,
confirm, publish His agenda so Jn14 level pastors, teachers, workers serve Him
and His family Tit1 1Tim3 1Cor12:28 Eph4:11 as 5:1,2,27 or 5:3-6.
GOD is establishing safe, simple self-employment for Jn14 level minimum enabling
lay and clergy to volunteer in any CCCInc. church, hospital, rehab, school worldwide,
so giving, not stealing, 2Thes3 as CCCInc. employs no one, ever.
GOD is purging and refining: World Vision for global evangelism; ACSI for
school reform; Willow Creek into a true Christ-like, loving, family life ministry
FGBMFI to qualify all lay believers using CCCInc. Bible studies globally.
GOD insists CCCInc. supply free housing to all qualified "overcomers"
1Jn3:9; 5:4 and free education to all at Jn14 level, so repeating Acts2:42-47; 5:42;
Jesus witnessing His love and power to all nations Is65 and 66(9:7).
 Robert Bristow
[see Campus Crusade for Christ Int.]
[see Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship Int.]
[see Prison Fellowship Int.]
[see World Vision]
[late '93 Bernardin]
[CCCInc. information links]
[self-employment] [family life ministry]
[Bible studies] [MBI false teaching]
CCCInc. Home Page
Christian Community Companies Inc.
Community Companies' Banner
Christian Community Companies Inc.
GOD's Power thru Unity
GOD's laws of creation imbued the universe with physical powers that
intelligent life can apply - draw on - tap into - use to advance agendas
of common interest such as engineering, medicine, physics for good or evil.
GOD's universal physical (earthly) power is seen in Gen11:1-9 whereby people
of one tongue worked in unity so that "nothing that they propose to do will
be withheld from them," an incredible statement from GOD Almighty Himself.
GOD diffused-interrupted-overcame their intended purpose by creating
disunity thru confusing their language and scattered them abroad, yet
He repeatedly enhances-nurtures-supports nations' agendas for good - His will.
GOD is currently prodding-pushing GE to work in unity:
GE has inaugurated an internal "imagination breakthrough" program,
asking GE's executives to come up with new ideas for growth,
including better ways of doing business in the developing world.
Read about GE in the NYT - July 16, 2005
GOD is pushing Wal-Mart into extensive global
environmental practices to save energy, fuel and packaging
that are expected to affect global manufacturers in many fields
and help reduce diesel soot +/- 50%, for cleaner air globally.
Read about Wal-Mart in the NYT - Oct 25, 2005
[see original file]
[Companies Directory]
GOD's New Wal-Mart will maximise ROI(profits)
thru Spirit guided strategies to become the premier retail
chain globally, offering superior in-house design + quality
up scale store brands to optimise productivity and customer base.
to eliminate 2004 type slumps.

    "We are disappointed with our sales performance for the Friday after Thanksgiving and the full weekend," said Mona Williams, vice president of communications for Wal-Mart. "While our prices were generally as low as they have ever been, our competition was even more aggressive. Also in hindsight we can see our overall program was too predictable and our competition capitalized on this. Specifically, our store hours, newspaper advertising-circular layout and distribution, marketing strategies and especially our merchandising selection were too similar to [those of] years past."

Excerpted from "Wal-Mart Loses Discount Edge In Sluggish Early Holiday Sales"
by Ann Zimmerman - The Wall Street Journal - Tuesday, November 30, 2004
GOD is purging Wal-Mart
of senior executives for unethical practices.
The New York Times - Saturday, March 26, 2005
The Wall Street Journal - Monday, March 28, 2005
GOD used the gov't to tighten Wal-Mart operations,
thru gov't investigating the use of illegal immigrants.

    Wal-Mart spokeswoman Mona Williams told the Associated Press the company is "ready to put it behind us and move forward."
    Though Wal-Mart does not face criminal charges, "we acknowledge that we should have had better safeguards in place to ensure our contractors were hiring only legal workers," Williams said. "That's why we're agreeing to pay the $11 million.
    "It is a lot of money, but I think that is because it is designed to get attention and remind businesses everywhere that they have a duty to ensure their outside contractors are following federal immigration laws."

Excerpted from "Wal-Mart" - Probes
The Chicago Sun-Times - Saturday, March 19, 2005
"A Wal-Mart Legend's Trail of Deceit" by James Bandler and Ann Zimmerman
The Wall Street Journal - Friday, April 8, 2005