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Christian Corporate Concepts Inc./ World Vision
World Vision
Mr Robert Seiple
Jan '98 Part 3
World Vision Jer23 PLAN
GOD, in Is9:6,7; 32:1, promised to reign or rule, a Spirit rule, as GOD is Spirit,
qualified in 1Jn5:8 the Spirit bears witness on earth,
also Rom8:16 the Spirit Himself bears witness.
GOD the Spirit can only lead or rule Rom8 + Gal5 level, living 1Jn3:6,9, as sin
is carnal, flesh, an enemy of GOD and very few cease, depart, stop sin
to truly live in the Spirit or in Christ.
GOD the Spirit in Jer23:5b is ruling now in David Yongii Cho + Joni Eareckson Tada
as they obey His voice and endure Mk13:13 Rom8:23-25 1Cor9:27 Heb3:6,14 Rev3:5,
as Christ Rev5 + 19.
GOD the Spirit in Zech4 is building Acts15:16 Heb8:2; 9:3; 10:19-22; 12:22,23
Rev21:22 now, for very few qualified in Eph1:9-14; 2; 4:24; 5:27,
all qualifying Jer23:6 as Judah or Jews are truly saved.
GOD the Spirit is never experienced by mouth believers due to unbelief
or disobedience and only partially experienced by Acts1:8 level,
but fully-mightily experienced by 1Jn3:6, living in the Spirit.
GOD the Spirit must be obeyed to grow from confessors to born again level
1Pet1:22,23 or Jn14 level; then must be totally followed till 100% trusted
to grow into His child or overcomer level.
GOD the Spirit must be further followed and trusted as a child of GOD grows
into His son level, more than overcomer Rom8:37, father 1Cor4:15 1Jn2:13a,14a,
major prophet or apostle or His image Rom8:29.
 Robert Bristow
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