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Christian Corporate Concepts Inc. #2
Christian Corporate Concepts is the CCCInc. school testing arm,
qualifying all Bible based ACSI members' teachers and staff
to participate in GOD's true school system that His word is
fully taught, using CCCInc. 7 group and 7 personal Bible studies,
fulfilling Jer23 Ez34 Acts15:16 (5:42) Rev3:7-13; 17 etc, His Spirit
work or His parousia, seen by His subjects 2Chron7:14 Heb12:14
as only 1Jn3:6,9 level believer is subject to our King and GOD.
Christian Corporate Concepts is GOD's qualifying or testing institution
to monitor His new ACSI, purging satan's books, teaching, works
that Jn14 level minimum be qualified to teach on any subject
so allowing His Spirit to teach "all things" Jn14:26 1Jn2:27 into
1Cor2 Jn15 1Jn3:6 or Eph4:15 to be His true subjects Rom8; 14:17
as only true subjects obey the King or adhere to His agenda 100%
as Paul, warning us 1Cor9:27 Heb3:6,14; 5:9; 6:4-6; 10:26-31 (Mk13:13).
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