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Christian Corporate Concepts Inc.
GOD's word or His Spirit voice or Christ the Word is One being,
intimately heard and known and leads very few believers into
Jn3:5; 15; 17 1Jn3:6,9 since most "believers" reject or deny Him.
GOD's breathed or dictated word continues 1Cor2 Rev11:3; 10:7 Amos3:7
that He Mat2:6 Lk1:33 Is32:1 Jer23:5b Rev2:27 Dan2:40-45 thru CCCInc.
Bible studies and tests so He qualifies true believers, others 2Tim2:12 Lk19:27.
GOD's demand that we obey Him Deut11:26-28 Mat19:17 Heb5:9 1Jn2:17
leads few believers from 1Jn2:20-27 into 2:29-5:20 or into 2Cor4:11-7:1 or
into soul salvation Job33 Acts14:22 Heb10:39 1Pet1:9, others Mat10:28 Ez18.
GOD demands Mat5:48 1Pet1:16 Gen17:1 without excuse to be 2Thes2:13 or 1:8,9
so few believers Eph4:15 to be 4:24; 5:27 to truly abide 1Jn2:6 Col1:28; 4:12
as no sinning believer enters His heaven, kingdom, life, presence, salvation - ever.
[see "suffering" by Joni Eareckson Tada]
[see "moral conduct" by A.W. Tozer]
[see "hard forgiving" by Robert McClory]
[Corporate Concepts #1 information links]
[see His voice: 1] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ]
[see true "seekers" by Chas. H Spurgeon]
[see true "called" by Ernest Reisinger]
[see true chosen: 1] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
[see free will by Walter Chantry]