Click to go to the I-D Home Page INSPIRED DISTRIBUTING Inc.
Incorporated in Delaware
12539 So. Loomis, Calumet Park, IL 60827
Phone: (708) 466-3844 Fax: (360) 248-6360
Managing and Marketing Efficiency Technologies
Charlene Begley
President and CEO
GE Transportation Systems
Erie, PA
Nov 2003
Full Value for Customer/End-Users
Current technology in the marketplace offers your company and other like manufacturers the
opportunity to extend the life of most moving parts from 50-100%, thereby giving your customers
and/or end-users full value products.
Current complacency and greed are costing end-users more than needed when amortizing over
the existing life of their machinery, risking your company's long term viability.
Current global trends are forcing U.S. manufacturers to explore every conceivable option to
maximize profit for themselves, but fail to heed basic business principles in offering true service and
full value to their customers and/or end-users to succeed. Likewise, your company needs to show
corporate leadership by avoiding-eliminating waste oil (Zero Waste Management), together with
educating consumers to save $ thousands in oil changes; again, to succeed.
Please carefully note our correspondence to Timken Co. and The Wall Street Journal from Oct 13th '03
concerning research to be done on Inspired Distributing Inc. products.
Thank You for your time and effort concerning this matter.
Alexander Poole
Please note:
Full Value Products, Corporate Leadership, and Responsible Manufacturing:
Inspired Distributing/Maxilube Anti-Friction Metal Treatment Product Information Packet:
Inspired Distributing Inc. is a subsidiary of Christian Community Companies Inc.,